With Halloween approaching I will need to break out my VHS copy of "Witch's Night Out"- my favorite Halloween special as a child. This is a hidden little gem, with very little info on the internet (I was trying to find a video clip.) All I could find were the stills and package covers.
The plot is as follows (thank you Wiki):
The plot involves a witch who accompanies two children named Small and Tender with their babysitter (Bazooey) to a Halloween party and transforms them into a werewolf, Frankenstein's monster, and a ghost (previously their Halloween costumes). The witch takes them to the Halloween party-in-progress at her house. Other citizens of the town get offended. They try to catch these supernatural beings as a mob. The children and Bazooey spend the night as real eerie creatures but decide they need to become human beings again. A disco song entitled "Witch Magic" was sung in this film.
Gilda Radner and Catherine O'Hara contributed voices, which makes it that much cooler.